Just as i see the see if you are banned topic and talking with gm i see lots of players are hacking (speedhacking most).
Well i dont know anything bout speedhacking or stuff.
But as we (the staff) respect you (the players) , Please respect us to and read the rules so u know what you can do and what you can't do.
(i mean we can also higher the hacking detection of the server but then it would be normal walk and kick for speedhack don't think u guys want that..)
I also know mutch of gm's dont like to be killed as they are making the server better for you so please just kill us and if the gm says he doesn't like being killed stop it.
( and some gm's dont mind being killed and fight back like me just accept us we r people like you ok we r not gladiator aliens or something )
Just respect us and we ill respect you so you guys wont be kicked banned or anything else.
Just chat with the gm's and make friends on the server.
and with help make a ticket
. (you won't have to wait 5 hours here like you need on retail wow... if any gm is on )
Thankyou very much.
PS: if you have any idea's for events feel free to whisper me